In doing this project, many new tools were covered, tools such as quick select and magic wand were used to cut the objects out of their original pictures, I then used multiple blending effects to allow certain colors to pass through other pictures. The Mask tool was then used to cut the top of my head off to make it seem as though the objects were flying out of my head. The Mask tool was used again to only allow the objects to show behind the hole in my head, so that it looks even more like the objects are coming from my head. Blur effects were used on the smaller, further out, objects to make it seem like they are moving the fastest. In general, I feel as though my project turned out very well, I was able to incorporate both things I enjoy doing and things I would like to turn into career options. The aspect I wish had turned out better is the inclsion of my interest in food, I enjoy eating it and cooking it, but I didn't include it in my project for some unknown reason. I would give myself an A on this project, this is because turned out ver well.